Bee's Massage & Bodywork
Britney Cossel CMT, MLD-C


How's your body feeling today?


Over the years I have worked with a wide range of clientele from a variety of lifestyles and experiences, and learned so much about the human body. Every session is a learning experience for both myself and you. As a Certified Massage Therapist, since 2009, trust me when I say "Every body has a story".

Our bodies carry us everywhere, and endure so much, but they do need some good ol' tender loving care. With my Massage and Manual Lymphatic Drainage skills, we can work together to help support your body's immune system, relieve aches and pains, and decrease inflammation and swelling. All of which add to a better quality of life! 

It's so much easier to live life and think clearly when we are pain free. We're also nicer to others!

Quick relaxation tip: unclench your jaw, relax your forehead/ eyebrows, and drop your shoulders.

Feel better?


For a list and description of current services, you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work. Promotions can be found through my Instagram, link above.

Looking forward to working with you and your body, have a great day!